1. 首先開啟 Windows Live Mail, 點選左下方【郵件】圖示,揀選上方【帳戶】標籤,再按【電子郵件】
Open Windows Live Mail → Click Mail icon → Accounts → Email

2. 輸入你的【電郵地址】,【密碼】及【顯示名稱】,緊記把【手動設定伺服器設定】點選
Enter your email address, password, and display name, and tick Manually configure server settings → select Next
Enter your email address, password, and display name, and tick Manually configure server settings → select Next

3. 於【伺服器類型】選擇IMAP,所有【伺服器位置】須輸入 mail.yourdomain(例如你的domainname 是abc.com
伺服器名稱就是 mail.abc.com),【使用下列進行驗證】揀選 純文字 ,【登入使用者名稱】必須為整個電郵地址
伺服器名稱就是 mail.abc.com),【使用下列進行驗證】揀選 純文字 ,【登入使用者名稱】必須為整個電郵地址
In Configure server settings, Server type → IMAP
Server address → mail.yourdomain (For example, your domain name is abc.com → Server name is mail.abc.com)
Authenticate using → Clear text
Logon user name → full email address
→ Click Next

4. 成功新增電郵戶口會看到此畫面
If you are successful to add your email account, you will see the following picture.
If you are successful to add your email account, you will see the following picture.

5. 如發現發送郵件有問題,請於【帳戶】標籤下選擇【內容】,於【進階】頁面將【外寄郵件 - SMTP】由25改為1025
If you have trouble when sending email, please click accounts → Properties → Advanced → Outgoing email (SMTP) change to Port 1025.
If you have trouble when sending email, please click accounts → Properties → Advanced → Outgoing email (SMTP) change to Port 1025.

6. 再於【常用】標籤按下【傳送/接收】再嘗試
Click Home → Send/Receive
Click Home → Send/Receive