1. 首先開啟 Windows Live Mail, 點選左下方【郵件】圖示,揀選上方【帳戶】標籤,再按【內容】
Open Windows Live Mail -> Click email icon on the left hand side -> Click Email accounts... -> Properties
2. 點選【 IMAP 】, 於特殊資料夾中,你可以於【寄件備份路徑】更改新的位置或使用預設位置
For example: 【寄件備份路徑】改為「Sent」,完成後按「確定」
Click IMAP.
In Special Folders, you can change a new location, or use default location for Sent items path. For example, Sent items path changes to "Sent", then click"OK"
3. 確定後會彈出視窗,需要重新整理資料夾清單,請按「是」
If you need to refresh the folder list, please click OK.
4. 此時郵件便會出現「Sent」資料夾,日後寄件備份則會存於此資料夾內
Email has been displayed Sent folder. All sent backup will be saved in this folder in the future.