如何管理您的域名DNS區域 How to manage your domains' DNS Zones (Plesk)
1) DNS區域控制您的域和子域的工作的方式。若要訪問您的DNS區域,請轉到"網站及域名"。
DNS Zones control the way your domains and subdomains work. To access your DNS zones, go to Websites & Domains.
or 或 (新版本)
2) 然後"DNS設置"。
And then DNS Settings.
or 或 (新版本)
3) 您將看到域名清單。 按一下[管理]連結旁邊進行管理的域。
You'll see a list of all the domains. Click the [Manage] link next to a domain to manage it.
You'll find a number of tools here.
- 關閉DNS服務: 這將使 Plesk伺服器停止對此域的任何DNS請求的回應。
Switch Off the DNS Service: which will make the Plesk server stop responding to any DNS requests for this domain.
- 開關DNS服務模式: 使Plesk DNS伺服器作為此DNS區域的奴隸和改為使用外部DNS伺服器。
Switch DNS Service Mode: makes the Plesk DNS server act as a Slave for this DNS zone and use an external DNS server instead.
- 添加記錄: 添加記錄、修改區域的DNS記錄(或 SOA),或將此區域恢復到伺服器的預設值。
- Add a Record: You can also Add a Record, modify the zone's Start of Authority (or SOA) Record, or restore this zone to the server's defaults.
4) 首先,選擇的記錄類型。我們會將此設置保留為 A,讓我們的子域指向一個IP位址。
First, choose the Record type. We'll leave this set to A, which lets us point a subdomain to an IP address.
or 或 (新版本)
For specific information on each Record type, view this area's Help page.
5) 接下來,我們將為此記錄輸入的域的名稱和 IP位址。
Next, we'll enter the domain name and the IP address for this record.
6) 按一下"確定"以提交頁面。
Click OK to submit the page.
7) DNS記錄已創建,但尚未保存到伺服器所使用的DNS記錄,按一下更新以將更改應用到DNS區域,或按一下還原放棄所做的更改。
The DNS record has been created, but not yet saved to the live DNS zone used by the server.
Click Update to apply the changes to the DNS zone or click Revert to abandon the changes.
Below you'll find a list of all the records in this domain's DNS zone. You would click on an entry's link to edit it.
8) 要刪除一個或多個DNS記錄,請按一下每個旁邊的核取方塊。
To delete one or more DNS records, click the checkbox next to each.
9) 然後按一下刪除。
And then click Remove.
10) 確認刪除,然後按一下確定。
Confirm the removal, then click OK.
11) 您需要再次按一下更新或還原以應用或捨棄變更。
Again, you will need to click Update or Revert in order to apply or abandon the changes.