如何將備份還原 How to restore backup (Plesk)
Let's learn how to restore backup.
1) 選擇要還原的備份檔案。
Choose the backup file that should be restored.
2) 選擇要還原的資料類型。
Select the type of data to restore.
3) 可選擇輸入電子郵件,當任務完成後發送通知。
Optionally enter an e-mail where a notification will be sent upon task completion.
4) 按一下恢復。
Click Restore.
If there are any conflicts, they will show up here.
5) 按下一步。
6) 選擇如何處理衝突:
Choose what to do with the conflicts:
- 使用備份檔案的配置和資料、
use configuration and data from the backup file,
- 使用從當前系統組態和只將資料從備份恢復,或
use the configuration from the current system and restore only the data from the backup,or
- 不還原任何有衝突的物件。
do not restore any objects that have conflicts.
7) 按下一步。
Click Next.
That's it! The backup has been restored.