Plesk使用說明 How to get help with Plesk
If you encounter problems when using Plesk, help is always just a click away.
1) 點擊右上角的”幫助”。
Select the Help link at the top right corner.
2) 點擊 + 號擴展選單。
Click the + sign to expand the list.
3) 現在,單擊您要查看的主題,在右窗格中會顯示所選擇的文章內容。
Now click on the topic you want to view. The chosen article will be shown in the right pane.
4) "下一頁"和"上一頁"選項也可用於瀏覽的幫助文件。
The Next and Previous Page options can also be used to navigate through the help file.
5) 幫助系統自動根據你正在查看的頁面帶你到相關的幫助主題。
The help system is designed to automatically take you to related help topics depending on the page you are viewing at the time.
6) 例如電郵選項,選擇”幫助”。
For example, go to the Mail tab, and choose Help.
7) 系統指示我們到電郵部分,包括幾個不同章節的電郵設置服務。你亦可以在”搜索”功能快速查找一個特定主題的使用方法。
System has directed us to the e-mail section, which contains several chapters on setting up various e-mail services.
Another way to quickly find information on a specific subject is to use the Search feature.