如何創建額外的FTP帳戶 How to create additional FTP accounts
If you have multiple users that need to use FTP to upload files to your websites, you can create separate accounts for each of them to use.
1) 轉到"網站及域名"選項。
Go to the Websites & Domains tab.
2) 按一下FTP訪問。
Click FTP Access.
3) 按一下創建其他FTP帳戶。
Click Create Additional FTP Account.
4) 鍵入使用者登錄的名稱和密碼,此外可以在這裡設置主目錄來限制此使用者對某一目錄。
Type the account name and password the user will use to log in. You can also set the home directory here to restrict this user to a certain directory.
5) 按一下確定。
Click OK.
We can see the new FTP account that was just added.