如何啟用自動回覆的電子郵件地址 How to enable Auto-Reply for an E-mail Address (Plesk)
1) 每個電子郵件帳戶,您就可以開啟自動回復,將發送一個預定義的電子郵件消息在回答任何傳入的電子郵件。
For each e-mail account, you can switch on the automatic response service which will send a predefined e-mail message in reply to any incoming e-mail message.
This is useful for sending "out of office" or "on vacation" notices when you are away. Click Mail.
2) 選擇電子郵件地址,您將設置自動回復。
Choose the e-mail address where you will be setting up the auto-responder.
3) 轉到自動回復選項。
Go to the Auto-Reply tab.
4) 選擇"啟用自動回復"。指定自動回復郵件主題,郵件格式,編碼和郵件文本。
Select the Switch on Auto-Reply checkbox. Specify the subject, message format, encoding, and message text.
6) 鍵入進來的信息將被發送至的電子郵件地址。 按一下確定。
Set an address where incoming messages will be sent. Click OK.