如何創建郵寄清單 How to create Mailing Lists (Plesk)
1) 使用郵寄清單發送電子郵件,如通訊,促銷電子郵件等,一次給多個收件人。單擊“郵件”。
Mailing lists are used for sending e-mail messages, such as newsletters, promotional e-mails, etc, to multiple recipients at once. Click Mail.
2) 然後單擊“郵寄清單”。
Then click Mailing Lists.
3) 轉到創建郵寄清單。
Go to Create Mailing List.
4) 輸入郵寄清單地址、郵寄清單管理員地址、密碼、訂戶等等資料。 完成後,單擊“確定”。
Type the Mailing list address, Administrator Email, Password and Subscribers. Click OK when done.
5) 現在,要向我們新創建的郵寄清單中的所有用戶發送電郵,我們會發送到郵寄清單地址:list@demo56789.com。
Now, to send a message to all the subscribers of our newly created mailing list, we'd send it to the list address: list@demo56789.com.
For more control over a mailing list, use this link to access the administration interface.
You will be prompted to enter the password you just provided.