如何創建電子郵件別名 How to create E-mail Aliases (Plesk)
E-mail aliases can be used as temporary disposable addresses that can be published on the Internet.
When spam starts coming to an address that was set up as an e-mail alias, you can remove that alias and create another one.
1) 到郵件選項,然後點擊一個電子郵件地址。
Go to Mail, and click an e-mail address.
2) 選擇"電子郵件別名"選項。
Select the E-mail Aliases tab.
3) 鍵入別名。
Type the alias name.
4) 要創建第二個的別名,點擊這裡的鏈接。輸入的名稱,並單擊“確定”完成。
To create a second alias, click the link here. Type in the name and click OK when done.
Now any mail sent to admin@demo56789.com will automatically be forwarded to mail@demo56789.com.