如何使用檔案管理員上傳檔案 How to use the File Manager (Plesk)
檔案管理員用於上傳、 刪除和組織您的網站中的所有檔案。
The File Manager is used to upload, remove and organize all your website files.
1) 按一下網站及域名。
Click Websites & Domains.
2) 選擇檔案管理員。
Choose the File Manager.
Your main website's files are listed under httpdocs.
3) 若要創建一個新資料夾,請按一下添加新的目錄。
To create a new folder, click Add New Directory.
4) 鍵入目錄名稱,然後按一下確定。
Type the Directory Name and click OK.
5) 已成功創建該目錄,並已經被自動重定向致該目錄內。
The directory has been successfully created, and we have been automatically redirected inside of it.
6) 按一下資料夾圖示編輯資料夾。
Clicking a folder icon allows you to edit the folder.
7) 設置新的名稱,並按一下確定。
Set the new name, and click OK.
8) 如果您需要刪除目錄,請選擇旁邊的框,然後按一下刪除。
If you need to delete a directory, select the box next to it, then click Remove.
9) 選中此框以確認刪除,然後按一下確定。
Check this box to confirm removal and click OK.
- 如何將檔案上傳
How to upload files
10) 按一下添加新檔案。
Click Add New File.
11) 選擇上傳一個檔案和創建檔案。按一下選擇檔案。
Select Upload a File to upload and Create a File to make a new file. Click Choose File.
12) 瀏覽您電腦上的檔案,並按一下打開。
Browse for the file on your computer and click Open.
13) 現在,按一下確定。
Now click OK.
Here is the file we just uploaded. Use the icons next to it to view or edit the file.
You can change the file permissions by clicking the icon next to the file in the Permissions column.
14) 設置哪些使用者組將能夠讀取、 寫入和執行該檔,然後按一下確定。
Set which groups of users will be able to read, write and execute this file, then click OK.
- 刪除一個檔案/目錄
Deleting a file/directory
15) 只需選擇該檔 ,然後按一下刪除。
Simply select the file. Then click Remove.
16) 然後按一下確定。
Confirm and click OK.