如何安裝應用程式 How to install Applications
You can use the applications to add features to your site, such as a blog, photo gallery, or online store, such as WordPress or Joomla.
1) Plesk 系統內置的應用程序安裝,單擊“應用程序”選項。
Plesk comes with a built-in application installer, Click the Applications tab.
2) 選擇“瞭解更多”按鈕以閱讀關於此應用程式。
Select the Learn More button to read about this app.
3) 您可以在這裡查看有關應用程式的詳細信息,點擊右側"安裝"按鈕來安裝這個應用程序。
Here, you can view more information about this application, to install this application, you can do by clicking the Install button to the right.
4) 要調整清單中,選擇一個分類。
To refine the list, choose a sub-category.
5) 按一下安裝按鈕讓我們開始安裝 Joomla。
Let's begin installing Joomla by clicking the Install button.
6) 現在,您只需接受條款及條件,並等待載入您的資訊系統。
Now, you simply accept the terms and conditions, and wait for the system to load with your information.
Exactly what settings you'll need to enter varies, but most applications will require you to enter the same basic information.
7) 設置應用程式的安裝位置的位置。
Set the location where the app should be installed.
8) 按一下顯示所有設置連結展開所有設置。
Click the Show All Settings link to expand all settings.
9) 在這裡輸入網站管理員的資訊。
Enter the site Administrator's information here.
10) 鍵入網站的名稱。
Type the site name.
11) 輸入的 Joomla 將用於發送電子郵件的 SMTP 主機。這通常是localhost。
Enter the SMTP Host which Joomla will use to send e-mail. This is usually localhost.
12) 此應用程式的預設設置已完成,所以按一下安裝。
The rest of the default settings for this application should be fine, so click Install.
13) 應用程式已成功安裝。現在讓我們返回到應用程式的主網頁。
The application was successfully installed. Let's return to the main Applications page.
14) 轉到管理安裝的應用程式。
Go to Manage Installed Applications.
15) 如果您想要更改應用程式設定或卸載應用程式,按一下應用程式的名稱。
If you ever want to change an application's settings or uninstall an application, Click an application's name.
You can click the Administrative Interface link to view the admin interface.
If you ever need to change the settings for this app installation, use the Settings button.
To Uninstall an application, use the Uninstall button.