此文章適合於"後加網存空間" 的用戶
This article is suitable for users who increase the size of network storage space later.
問 : 為什麼當我購買了Hosting Speed的網存後,還未能連上到 FTP和Email 呢?
Question: Why when I bought the web hosting service at Hosting Speed, my computer can't connect to FTP and Email?
答 : 原因是當時的DNS設定了其他的伺服器,所以導致到 DNS 不能正常地連接到Hosting Speed的伺服器。
Answer: Because DNS was set up another servers, DNS can't normally connect to the Hosting Speed server
如何更改DNS 設定? How to modify the setting?
1. 請先到 "寄存管理"。
Please click "Hosting Manage".
2. 按下"放大鏡"圖示進入瀏覽/管理服務。
Click "magnifier" icon to view record.
3. 再按下 "按此自動設定DNS",把DOMAIN自動設定到Hosting Speed的伺服器便可。
Click " Click here to automatically set DNS ", and set automatically domain to Hosting Speed server.
註 : 此設定需時大約 3-6 小時. Reminder: This setting takes around 3 to 6 hours.