如需要轉移域名, 請瀏覽域名轉移專頁: http://hostingspeed.net/account/transcheck.php
將域名「.hk」及「.香港」轉移至環速網存作管理及續期十分簡單。在完成登記付帳後,請登入 求助桌 Helpdesk(http://hostingspeed.net/account/helpdesk.php?subaction=helpdesk) 提供「授權密碼」即可。
取回 「授權密碼 / Auth. Code」
閣下可以在HKIRC 網站(https://www.hkirc.hk/en/our_services/domain_services/change_of_registrar/) 取得授權密碼,授權密碼直接將以電郵傳送給域名持有人。
如提供之授權密碼正確,一般「.hk」域名轉移可以在3-5個工作天時間完成,如離域名到期日不足5天,我們建議先續期才轉移到 Hosting Speed。
轉移域名後閣下仍可享用在舊有登記公司已預繳費用之使用年期. 例如您的域名將在2017年才到期,現在您把域名轉移至Hostingspeed並繳交一年域名續期費用.轉移成功後,域名到期日將自動續期1年至2018年,所以並沒有需要趕於在到期日前數天才轉移域名。
Transfer your domain to Hosting Speed.
If you need to transfer your domain to Hosting Speed, please visit:
How to get your transfer code (Auth. Code/EPP key)?
Please visit HKIRC's website (https://www.hkirc.hk/en/our_services/domain_services/change_of_registrar/) to get your Auth. code. The Auth code will be sent to the domain registrant's email.
How long does it takes to transfer .hk domain?
If your EPP KEY is correct, ".hk" domain transfer usually takes 3-5 business days. We will recommend user to renew your domain if it is fewer than 5 days remaining before the expiration.
How to calculate the next domain renew date?
The current expiry date of your domain will remain the same even if you transfer to different domain registrar. You don't need to wait until the expire date to proceed the domain transfer.
After you settle the domain transfer payment in Hosting Speed, you will need to send your Auth. code through helpdesk ticket (http://hostingspeed.net/account/helpdesk.php?subaction=helpdesk).
Your domain will be renew for one more year based on your current expiry date.
For example:
Your current expiry date is 18 Aug 2018. After the transfer, your expiry date will be 18 Aug 2019.