1. 若要安裝 Cloud 應用程式,請先登入cPanel。
To install the Cloud application, please log in to cPanel first.
2. 於cPanel平台,按 "View More" 。
On the cPanel platform, press "View More".
3. 進入Installatron後,可於應用程式列表內尋找想安裝的應用程式。
After click into Installatron, you can find the application you want to install in the application list.
4. 選擇應用程式(如WordPress),可詳閱應用程式的簡介。 如確認安裝,請按 "Install this application"。
Select an application (such as WordPress) to read the application's introduction. To confirm the installation, press "Install this application".
5. 安裝前可輸入設定,或按"Install"直接安裝。
Enter settings before installation or press "Install" to install directly.
6. 安裝進行中,可看到安裝進度。
During the installation, you can see the progress of the installation.
7. 完成後你可以看到應用程式的資料。 你亦可在cPanel首頁看到此應用程式。
After installation completed you can see the application's data. You can also see this application on the cPanel homepage.