如何備份我的DIY內容 How to backup my DIY content
# "CPANEL每天資料備份"乃 WebBuilder 內容發佈後的網頁備份及電郵備份,WebBuilder 之設計內容需客戶手動下載備份及恢復。
# "CPANEL daily backup" will only save the email and website which has been published in your CPANEL.
You MUST backup the design in your web builder manually to prevent data loss.
1. 完成設計後,請先按儲存(發佈你的網頁)。 Click "Publish" to publish your design to your website.
2. 儲存後,再按"備份/還原",下載備份。 After that, you may click "back up/restore" to save your backup.
完成下載後,在文件夾內便看到相應的檔案 "xxxxxxxx.com_project.sitebuilder" 類型為sitebuilder file
When you finish download, the sitebuilder backup file will be named as "xxxxxxxx.com_project.sitebuilder".
** 此檔案備份只適用於本公司的Web Builder計劃,並不適用於其他寄存服務計劃 **
** This backup can apply to our Web Builder ONLY. **
If you need to restore your design, please hover your mouse on "Publish" >"Backup/Restore">"Restore">"Browse".
Select the backup you saved, Click "restore".