插入"搜索引擎優化" Add "SEO" for your page
After you create a new page, You can add SEO title, SEO description, SEO keywords, user friendly URLs and picture.
1. 要執行此操作,請於當前頁面點擊右上角的"設定"下拉,然後選擇"Pages",點選分頁"SEO"。
To setup "SEO", please click "Settings">"Pages" on right top corner and select "SEO" tab.
2. 按頁面插入您的網站詳細SEO信息:
Select the page to update the detail in the SEO form.
SEO title is most important for search engines and It will visible as a browser's tab name for every page.
The description is set to advise to a search engine what every page is about.
Keywords are still used by some search engines, but Google ignores them (write keywords in line, separate with commas or semicolons)
用戶友好型URL(User friendly URLs):非必要填寫,如果你想指定一個自定義的URL路徑到一個頁面,您可以填寫與您的頁面名稱相關的單詞(我們建議使用預計值,即頁面本身名稱),這是訪問者在網址欄中看到的URL,單詞之間需要用連字符隔開。
Optional field if you want to specify a custom URL path to a page. You can add a short form for your URL. e.g.: "yourwebsite.com/myproduct".
Words need to be separated by a hyphen.
(Not applicable for Homepage)
圖片(Photo): 表示頁面內容的唯一圖像。當頁面被喜歡或分享時,它將被Facebook Open Graph和Twitter Cards等社交圖表使用。
The image you want to show when people share your website to social network e.g.: Facebook.
3. 完成後,點擊"Apply"。
After you fill in the SEO form, click "apply".
查看如何新增客製化Meta tags
See how to add custom meta tags