要使用Installatron "One Click Install" 安裝WordPress程式,你必須購買 "Cloud Apps" 計劃。(此教學不適用於 "多功能網頁寄存" 或其他計劃)
If you need to install "WordPress" with Installatron's "One Click Install", you must join our "Cloud Apps" plan. (This guide only apply on "Cloud Apps" user)
1. 登入CPanel。
Login to CPanel.
安裝前請先確保正使用的PHP版本是WordPress 最新支援版本。
Please make sure your PHP version updated to the WordPress supported version before install.
最新支援版本可參考WordPress官網 (https://wordpress.org/about/requirements/)
Please refer to WordPress website (https://wordpress.org/about/requirements/) for the supported version.
點撃 "Select PHP Version" .
Please click "Select PHP Version" .
在 "Extensions" > "Current PHP version"。更改你的PHP版本至WordPress 最新支援版本。
Please update your PHP version to the WordPress supported version in "Extensions" > "Current PHP version"
2. 到 "WEB APPLICATIONS" 按"view more"。
Scroll down to "WEB APPLICATIONS", Click "view more".
3. 點擊 WordPress (blog)圖示。
Click WordPress (blog) icon.
4. 點擊"Install this application" 安裝WordPress。
Click "Install this application" to install WordPress.
5a. 檢查你想安裝的位址。
Confirm the installation directory.
5b. 選擇語言。
Choose Display language.
5c. 選擇版本自動更新模式。
Select Automatic Update setting.
If you disable the auto update, your website will maintain the same version of WordPress and Plugin, which will expose your website to higher security risk.
If you enable auto update, the latest version of the WordPress or Plugin might caused compatibility issue.
6a. 設定WordPress 登入帳號、密碼。
Setup WordPress Administrator Username, Password.
6b. 設定網頁名稱、介紹列。
Set a Website Title and Tagline.
6c. 點擊"Install" 安裝。
Click "Install" when finish.
7. 你的WordPress 正在安裝中。
Your WordPress is now installing.
Please remain on this page until the process be done.
8. WordPress 安裝完成。
WordPress installation completed.
9. 在CPanel 的 "MySQL Databases" 會新增一個WordPress 數據庫。
In "MySQL Databases" will auto create a database for your WordPress.
Remove or edit any data will cause website error.
10. 在CPanel 的 "File Manager">"/home/xxxxxx/" >"public_html",你會見到WordPress的資料夾及檔案。
You will find WordPress web folders in CPanel > "File Manager" >"/home/xxxxxx/" >"public_html".
11. 進入你的網站,會見到WordPress 的預設Hello world 頁。
Visit your website, you will found the default WordPress blog "Hello world".
12. 如日後有需要更改php.ini,你可以點撃 Select PHP Version > "Options" 修改數值。
You can also change the value of "php.ini" in Select PHP Version > "Options" tab.