如何用"WordPress Toolkit"安裝Wordpress?
How to install Wordpress with "WordPress Toolkit"?
1. 登入CPanel。
Login to CPanel.
安裝前請先確保正使用的PHP版本是WordPress 最新支援版本。
Please make sure your PHP version updated to the WordPress supported version before install.
最新支援版本可參考WordPress官網 (https://wordpress.org/about/requirements/)
Please refer to WordPress website (https://wordpress.org/about/requirements/) for the supported version.
點撃 "Select PHP Version" .
Please click "Select PHP Version" .
在 "Extensions" > "Current PHP version"。更改你的PHP版本至WordPress 最新支援版本。
Please update your PHP version to the WordPress supported version in "Extensions" > "Current PHP version"
2. 返回CPanel > 到 "APPLICATIONS" 按"WordPress Toolkit"。
Scroll down to "APPLICATIONS", Click "WordPress Toolkit".
3. 點擊 "Install" 按鈕。
Click "Install" button.
4a. 檢查你想安裝的位置(預設位置: /public_html/)。
Confirm the installation directory (default directory: /public_html/ ) .
4b. 填寫網頁標題。
Input Website title.
4c. 選擇Wordpress模版設計(可不選)、語言、版本。
Select Wordpress Plugin/theme set, Language, version.
4d. 填寫Wordpress使用者名稱、密碼、聯絡電郵。
Input Wordpress Login Username, password, contact email.
4e. 填寫mySQL資料庫名稱、資料表前綴、mySQL資料庫使用者名稱、密碼。(如不更改即將使用預設)
Input mySQL Database name, Table prefix, mySQL username, password. (Values had been preset)
4f. 檢查自動更新功能並點擊"Install"開始安裝。
Change "Automatic update setting" then click "Install".
6. 正在進行安裝。請停留在此頁直到安裝完成。
Installation is in progress. Please stay in this page.
7. 安裝完成。點擊"No, thanks"。
Installation complete. Click "No, thanks" to continue.
8. 現在你在CPanel 的"WordPress Toolkit"會見到"Wordpress"成功安裝。
Now, your Wordpress had been installed for your website and displayed in "WordPress Toolkit".
9. 進入你的網站,會見到WordPress 的預設Hello world 頁。
Visit your website, you will found the default WordPress blog "Hello world".
10. 你現在可按 "Log in" 進入你的WordPress 後台去管理你的網站。
Now, you may click "Log in" to enter the WordPress admin area and manage your website.
11. 在"WordPress Toolkit"可以安裝、上載、暫停、移除或更新外掛插件。
With "WordPress Toolkit", you may install/upload/deactivate/uninstall or update plugins.
To install plugin, please click "Install" and type keywords to search the plugins.
12. 在"WordPress Toolkit"可以安裝、上載或移除網頁主題模版。
With "WordPress Toolkit", you may install/upload/uninstall Themes.
To install Themes, please click "Install" and type keywords to search.
如日後有需要更改php.ini,你可以點撃 Select PHP Version > "Options" 修改數值。
You can also change the value of "php.ini" in Select PHP Version > "Options" tab.