如已經啟用"自動續期功能/AUTO RENEWAL" - 自動續期功能已啟動,閣下將於域名到期日前30天前收到續期帳單。
如未有啟用"自動續期功能/AUTO RENEWAL" - 手動續期,閣下將不會收到續期帳單,如需續期,請使用方法(1)辦理續期。
到 "域名服務管理平台" 。 or
按 "續期"。
***域名自動續期/AUTO RENEWAL***
請到 "域名管理平台" 確認 域名 "已啟用 - 自動續期功能已啟動"
To confirm customer continued to use the domain name, you will receive a renewal reminder to your registered email address 30 days, 35 days and 60 days before the expiration date of the domain name.
If enabled (Green)- 自動續期功能/AUTO RENEWAL, you will receive a renewal invoice 30 days before the domain expiration date.
If not enabled (Red)- 自動續期功能/AUTO RENEWAL, you will not receive the renewal invoice. For renewal, please use method (1) for renewal.
Method (1): Go to Domain Management: or
Click "Renew".
Settle your payment in "Shopping Cart"
***自動續期功能/AUTO RENEWAL***
As long as there is sufficient balance in the account, the domain name will automatically deducts one year fee from the due date and automatically renews on the due date.
Please go to the "Domain Management" to confirm that the domain name has enabled - AUTO RENEWAL or 自動續期功能