降級或更改寄存服務 Downgrade or Change current hosting plan
如要更改服務計劃或降級,請登入Hosting Speed.net >求助桌 提出申請。
If you wish to downgrade or change your current hosting plan, please login and submit Helpdesk ticket to us.
升級寄存服務 Upgrade Plan
1. 只需登入http://hostingspeed.net 主頁。
Please login to hostingspeed.net Homepage and click this button.
或 Or
Please follow the picture to click one of the icon.
2. 於域名側旁,請按"辦埋更改服務計劃"。
Next to your domain, please click the below button.
3. 閣下可以自行升級服務計劃,選擇"新服務計劃",之後按"Next"確認新服務計劃。
Then, you will be able to choose an upgrade plan.
Click "Next" to confirm the price different and settle your payment.