改變域名持有人帳號 Domain push to another Hosting Speed account
1. 登入hostingspeed.net。進入"域名管理"
Login to hostingspeed.net. Please click below icon:
2. 進入"域名管理平台"
Please click below icon:
3. 進入"轉移域名至其他帳戶"
Please click below icon:
4. 輸入域名接收人帳號和自訂一個簡單密碼
Enter the receiver account and set a transfer code.
*If you see below notice, please contact us.*
5. 接收域名 Receive domain
請登入接收人帳戶,按一下**注意: Pending Domain Ownership Transfer. 請按這裡**
Please login to the receiver account. And click **注意: Pending Domain Ownership Transfer. 請按這裡**
6. 輸入你剛才設定的密碼。按"權利"。完成!
Enter the transfer code you set, then click "receive". Done!