更改域名WHOIS資料 (不適用於任何.hk/.cn域名)
Update domain WHOIS (Not applicable for .hk/.cn domain)
1. 登入hostingspeed.net。進入"域名管理平台"。
Login to hostingspeed.net. Go to "Domain Management".
2. 點擊"更新域名登記資料"。
Click "Update domain registrant information".
3. 輸寫你的域名登記人資料。
Input your domain registrant's contact information.
For Hong Kong Customer, please select "Not applicable" in "State/Province". Please input "000000" for ZIP code.
4. 完成後拉到底部按"提交"。
Click "submit" to update your WHOIS data.
5. 資料更新完成後你的"域名登記人聯絡電郵"將會收到來自(@enom.com)的更改提示電郵。
You will receive an email sent from "@enom.com" after the WHOIS information updated.
*如電郵並不是來自@enom.com, 請勿打開電郵或點擊外部連結*
*If the email was not sent from @enom.com, please DO NOT OPEN the email or external link*
6. 之後,在"域名管理平台"會彈出一個提示。你必須驗證域名登記資料。
按"Resend Verification Email" 重發驗證電郵。
Back to "Domain Management", a reminder will appear for verify registrant contact email address.
Click "Resend Verification Email" to verify.
7. 驗證電郵已發到你的"域名登記人聯絡電郵"。
The Verification Email will be sent to your Registrant contact email.
8. 你的"域名登記人聯絡電郵地址"將會收到來自"donotreply@name-services.com"的電郵提示驗證域名登記資料。
拉到底部按"Click here to verify your email address"。
Your Registrant contact email will receive a email with title "IMMEDIATE VERIFICATION required for xxxxx.com" . The email will be sent from "donotreply@name-services.com".
Scroll to the bottom then click "Click here to verify your email address".
*如電郵並不是來自@name-services.com, 請勿打開電郵或點擊外部連結*
*If the email was not sent from @name-services.com, please DO NOT OPEN the email or external link*
9. 成功驗證。
10. 每年域名注冊公司會隨機抽取域名核對WHOIS 資料。
Domain registrar random select domain for domain WHOIS contact check.
Please make sure the email sender is from @name-services.com before open the email.
View Contact Data (URL) 的連結是:
按"Click Contact Data"檢查域名聯絡資料。
Click "Click Contact Data" to confirm the contact information.
If the contact information is NOT correct, please refer to step 2 to update WHOIS.
If all data are corrected, you can simply ignore this email.