顧客購物流程 Client shopping procedure:
1. 顧客可以按"Buy now" 或"Add to cart" 購物。
2. 打開購物車,顧客會見到已選擇的商品。
Open the Cart, client will see their selection.
3. 顧客需要輸入聯絡資料。Client needs to input contact information.
4. 顧客需要確定輸入的資料無誤。Next, client needs to confirm their order.
5. 顧客可選擇使用銀行入帳/到付 (預設) / 其他方法。Client can choose Bank Transfer or Cash on Delivery (default).
6. 提示會彈出。A message will pop out.
7. 你將會收到電郵提示顯示顧客的新訂單。You and your client will receive an email notice.
8. 你的顧客亦會收到附有PDF訂單的電郵通知。The email for client will include a pdf invoice.