*此文章適合 已在Hosting Speed 停泊域名,已額外選購"網存空間" 的用戶。
*This article is suitable for user who had already parked the domain in Hosting Speed before, which also have purchased a new hosting service.
問 : 為什麼當我購買了Hosting Speed的網存後,還未能連上CPANEL, FTP 或 webmail 呢?
Q: Why can't I login it to my CPanel, FTP or webmail after I purchased a new hosting service.
答 : 原因是當時域名的DNS設定了其他地方的域名名稱伺服器(Nameserver, NS)。例如:Hosting speed預設的NS,所以導致 DNS 不能正常地連接到Hosting Speed的伺服器。
A: The reason is your domain had setup a different Nameserver (NS) other then our hosting NS for your domain.
如何設定DNS到你已購買的"網存空間"? Setup DNS to your new hosting service
1. 請先到 "寄存管理"。
2. 按下"放大鏡"圖示進入瀏覽/管理服務。
Click "magnifier" icon to enter management page.
3. 再按下 "按此自動設定DNS",把域名的DNS自動設定到Hosting Speed的伺服器便可。
Click "按此自動設定DNS" to change your domain's DNS to Hosting Speed nameserver.
註 : 此設定完成後需大約 4-8 小時等待全球性DNS更新.
PS: You will need to wait 4-8 hours for global DNS update.