1. 將語言工具拉到版面 First, please drag the "Languages" Icon to your layout.
如圖: As shown in Figure:
2. 選擇語言小工具,之後按"ADD" 新增工具。 Select the "Language tool" you prefer to show in your website.
3. v3 - 滑鼠右鍵點擊小工具> "Properties"
Right click the "Language Tool" you created. Click "Properties".
在此你可以加入新語言 You can add some languages here. Or change the outfit of your language tool.
v4 - 滑鼠左鍵點擊小工具,右方就會出現該內容/元素的設置內容
Left click the "Language Tool" you created, you will see setting on the right hand column
在此你可以加入新語言 You can add some languages here. Or change the outfit of your language tool.
4. 更改目錄語言 Change the language for your menu
在右上角按小箭咀打開目錄,按"edit"。 In right top corner, expend the "Home" menu, Click "Edit".
在此你可以更改目錄的標題語言。You can add the translation in "Item name" for each page.
5. 顯示其他語言的網頁內容 Display your website in other language
在你剛新增的語言工具上,可轉至你要的頁面更改每頁的文字。 You can change the display language with the "Language Tool" box you just created.
6. 更改文字/圖片出現的語言頁面 Change language of your text or picture object.
如你不想此圖片出現在所有語言, 你可以依照圖示將此圖片從其他頁面移除。(請勿按Keyboard上的"del")