如何進入您的網站 - How to build your website
1. 登錄您的cPanel控制面板在“Software”類別下,點擊 “Web Builder”:
Login to your "CPanel" > "Software" > "Web Builder".
2. 您將被重定向到選擇模板頁面,您可以在左側按類別過濾範本並選擇您想要使用的範本。
You will be redirected to a template page. You can choose your template by modifying the template filter.
3. 選擇範本後,單擊綠色的“Select(選擇)”按鈕。
Please click "Select" after you choose the template.
這是Web Builder版面,在此您可以將範本的內容更改,並加入自己的內容。
This is the interface of Web Builder. You can add or update any item of the selected template.
按鈕介紹 Button Description
儲存、預覽及發佈 Save, Preview and Publish
When you had finish your website, you may click "Preview" to confirm the exact look of the site after publishing.
After that, you may click "Publish" to publish your website so that people could see the website.
儲存成草稿 Save as draft
滑鼠移在"Publish(儲存)"上,您可以按"Save Draft(儲存草稿)" 將設計儲存成草稿,已修改的內容不會覆蓋你已發佈的網頁。
Mouse over "Publish", you can click "Save Draft" to save the design as a draft, the modified content will not overwrite your published page.
You can click "Backup/Restore" to restore the downloaded backup.
*It is recommended to save a backup file before every modification just in case.
For backup and restoration instruction, please click here.
撤銷/恢復 Undo/Redo
當您錯誤地更改物件,可按一下"Undo(撤銷)" 復原。
When you change an object by mistake, you can click "Undo" to restore it.
*Please avoid using Ctrl+Z
新增/重設 New/Reset
如您想移除/重選範本,可按New/Reset(新增/重設) > Change template(更改模板)。
If you want to remove/reselect a template, you can click New/Reset > Change template.
*Note: All your existing content will be deleted.
如您想重置頁面,可按Reset (重設)。
If you want to reset the page, you can click Reset.
*Note: Your existing content will be reset.
如您想匯入其他網頁,可按Import 匯入 (BETA 測試版)。
If you want to import other web pages, you can click Import (BETA test version).
輸入您的連結URL,按Yes, import website(是的,匯入網站)。
Enter your link URL and click "Yes, import website"
*Note: All of your existing content will be deleted.
載入完成後,您的Web builder版面會複製大部份的網頁內容。
After loading, your web builder layout will replicate most of the web content.
*Some of the original web page functions may not be available*.
排版 Layout(闊 Wide、桌面 Desktop、平板 Tablet、手機 Phone)
v3(闊 Wide、桌面 Desktop、平板 Tablet、手機 Phone)自動佈局 Auto Layout
Web Builder 提供四款排版讓您能輕鬆建立響應式網站。
Web Builder offers four types of layouts to make it easy to build responsive websites.
It is recommended to turn off the auto layout function.
選擇您要設計的排版,在右上角按一下"OFF X"。
Select the layout you want to design and click "OFF X" in the upper right corner.
Once completed, your web page will display a different layout depending on the device size.
v4(闊 Wide、桌面 Desktop、平板 Tablet、手機 Phone)
Please click on the circled icon in the picture to choose which layout to modify
闊 Wide
桌面 Desktop
平板 Tablet
手機 Phone
Once completed, your web page will display a different layout depending on the device size.
變更Web builder工具語言
按一下右上方國旗,即可將Web builder工具的顯示語言更改。
Click on the flag in the upper right to change the display language of the Web builder tool.
設定 Settings
此目錄可修改其他網頁設定,例如SEO (詳情教學請按此)、背景、字體設計、網頁標誌、設定;
This directory allows you to modify other web page settings, such as SEO (click here for details), background, font design, web page logos, settings.
You can also use landing pages, reference lines and rulers.
編輯頁面 Edit page
You can edit pages of your website.
詳情教學請按此。click here for details
編輯頁面內容 Edit Page Content
1. 首先進入要修改的頁面。
First go to the page you want to modify.
After the page is fully loaded, you can add or remove any unwanted content/elements, such as images, text boxes, etc.
2. 將鼠標懸停在要刪除的任何內容/元素上,然後點擊"編輯按鈕"(筆形圖標),然後點擊"Remove(移除)"。
Hover over any content/element you want to delete, then click the Edit button (pen icon), and then click Remove.
3. 如果要更改現有文本框中的文字,不需要將其刪除,只需將鼠標停在文本框上並點擊編輯按鈕(筆形圖標),然後點擊"Edit Text(修改文字)"。
If you want to change the text in an existing text box, instead of deleting it, just hover your mouse over the text box and click the Edit button (pen icon), then click "Edit Text".
4. 現在已經刪除了您不想要的內容/元素,您可以從web builders menu中添加您想要的內容/元素。
Now that the content/elements you don't want have been removed, you can add the content/elements you want from the web builders menu.
Simply click on the desired content and drag it to exactly where you want it to appear on the page.
其他設定 Other setting
某些內容/元素可能需要進一步自定義,例如PayPal按鈕,這需要填寫Price, Item name等等。
Some content/elements may require further customization, such as the PayPal button, which requires filling in Price, Item name, etc.
To configure the content/element, click on the items and click the edit button (pen icon) and click "Properties" from the list.
You will see a pop-up window that allows you to configure the relevant details, such as those mentioned above.
To configure the content/element, click on the items and click the edit button (pen icon)
The settings for the content/element will appear on the right