FileZilla 是一個 FTP 檔案上傳軟件, 可以給用家方便地上傳檔案, 使上傳檔案更有效率。
FileZilla is a fast and reliable FTP client with lots of handy features.
FileZilla 下載位置 Download Link: ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
1. 請嘗試使用cPanel 帳戶和密碼登入FTP軟件
Please try to login FTP program with your cPanel login username and password.
Host: (請改做你的域名 Change it to your domain e.g: )
Username: cpusername (cPanel帳戶)
Password: ****** (cPanel帳戶密碼)
點擊 Quickconnect click Quickconnect
2. 如果以上預設cPanel帳戶未能登入的話,請於cPanel新增FTP用戶 If the default cPanel account could not login, please create FTP account in cPanel.
a. 登入你的cPanel户口 Login to cPanel account
( 請改做你的域名 Change it to your domain e.g: )
b. 點擊FTP帳戶圖示
Click the FTP Accounts icon
c. Log in 填寫新FTP户口名稱 Log in enter FTP account username
Domain 預設為你的域名,如有需要可更改為子域名
Domain default as your domain name, you may change to sub-domain if needed
Password and Password (Again) 輸入及確認用戶密碼
Password and Password (Again) enter and confirm a password
Directory 輸入public_html讓該用户可進入整個與網站相關的文件夾,如你需要限制用户只能存取某個文件夾,請輸入public_html/folder
Directory enter public_html for user to access the whole website related folder
If you wanted to restricted user to a folder under public_html, please enter public_html/folder
Quota 如需,設定該FTP用戶空間配額限制
Quota put a quota limit on this FTP account if needed
所有欄位都填寫好後,點擊Create FTP account
After fill-in all fields, click Create FTP account
Please make sure the path is correct, from here you can change the FTP account's password, change it's quota, or delete the account altogether
3. 新增好FTP户口和安裝完filezilla後, 開啟 "Filezilla.exe"。
After setup new FTP account and install FileZilla, open "Filezilla.exe"
4. 透過 FileZilla 登入你的 FTP 帳號。
Enter your FTP information to login.
Host: (請改做你的域名 Change it to your domain e.g: )
Username: (使用者設定的整個FTP登入名稱)
Password: ****** (使用者設定的FTP登入密碼)
點擊 Quickconnect click Quickconnect
5. 最後只要把檔案從"User side" (您的電腦) 拉到"Hosting side" (您的寄存) 內便完成檔案上傳的工作。
After that, you will be able to drag your files from "User side" (Your computer) to "Hosting side" (Your hosting).
6. 如發現連線問題,請檢查連線設定。
If you see it failed to connect, please check your connection setting.
Please select "Site Manager".
之後按"新增站台" Click "New Site"。
輸入以下設定 Please input below setting:
主機名稱 Host: (請改做你的域名 Change it to your domain e.g: )
協定 Protocol: FTP
加密 Encryption: Require explicit FTP over TLS
連接埠 port : 21
登入型式 Login type: normal
使用者 Username: (使用者設定的FTP登入名稱)
密碼 Password: ****** (使用者設定的FTP登入密碼)
如出現以下畫面,點擊 ok
If the below screen pop up, click ok
In transfer setting tab, please tick limit number of simultaneous connections and keep the Maximum number of connections to 1
Then Click "Connect".
7. 如以上設定仍發現連線問題,請到求助桌提供你的IP位址。
If it failed to connect again, please send us your IP address via Helpdesk ticket.
*連線失敗例子: "Error message: ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT"