本教學以"Dreamwaver MX2004"作藍本
此版本有機會與用家的版本和填寫位置不符, 導致教學上有出入, 請用家留意.
It is a blueprint for Dreamwaver MX2004 tutorial. Since this version may not be the same of user's version, please pay attention.
1.先打開 dreamwaver mx 2004, 到圖示的拉頁, 找"管理網站" (如圖)
Open dreamwaver mx 2004, find "desktop" on the left side → Click " Manage Sites"
Click "ADD" →"Website"
3. 在"本地資訊"頁內輸入名稱(如: hostingspeed), 在 http:位址內輸入"用家的網址" (my domain).
In Local Info, please enter your sit name, such as hostingspeed. Then, enter your domain in HTTP address.
4. 在"遠端資訊"頁內適當資料,
Please fill in the following table in Remote Info.
其中包括 :
- 在存取中選回 FTP - Select "FTP"
- 在 FTP 主機中加上domain( 以abc.com作例子 ), ***切記在domain後必須加上":21". (如圖)
add domain in FTP Host ,such as abc.com *** Reminder: need to add ":21" after domain
- 主機目錄填上 public_html ← (多功能網頁寄存客戶)
- fill in public_html in Host Directory ← (Multifunctional web hosting User)
***如 plesk 的用家請輸入"httpdocs"← (asp.net網頁寄存, sidebuilder客戶)
***If you are plesk user, please enter "httpdocs" ← (asp.net Web hosting, sidebuilder user)
- username
- password
使用被動的FTP ← 打上勾
Use Passive FTP ← Click
5.網站的帳戶已新增, 再按"完成"便可
Website account has been added → click " OK "
6. 帳戶已新增, 再按連結的按鈕(如圖)
Account has been added, then click " link " button
7. 已成功連上空間的情況.
It is successful to upload to Hostingspeed.