Steps: ws_ftp 使用步驟:
FTP 軟件能上傳大量檔案,快捷方便
FTP software is convenient for uploading a large number of files.
1. 登入方法 Login method
HostName/Address : 您的域名名稱 , 例如 :
HostName/Address : your domain name , such as
User ID: 預設 cPanel username (default)
Password: cPanel password
After completed this information, click " OK "
2. 登入後,左邊框是您電腦內的檔案和資料夾, 右邊框是您網存空間內的檔案和資料夾
After login, your computer's files and folders → on the left hand side.
files and folders in your network space → on the right hand side.
3. 將左邊框準備上載的檔案拖曳至右邊框目標的資料夾,上載程序會自動進行和完成
On the left frame, the prepared uploaded file moves to target folder on the right frame. Then, the upload program will be automatically done.
( 註 : 主頁內所有檔案都存放在 public_html 檔案資料夾中)
(Note: home page or all the web files are stored in the public_html file folder)