此教學為 cpanel 的"基本發佈"技巧, 我們以'mypage123123123.net'作例子.
This tutorial for the cpanel basic skills, 'mypage123123123.net' as an example.
當我們上傳網頁後, 為什麼輸入 http://mypage123123123.net/ 後網站未能顯示?
When we uploaded the page, why does your website cannot shows with your domain http://mypage123123123.net/ ?
而需要在網址後方加入page01.html , 網頁才能出現 ( http://mypage123123123.net/page01.html ) ?
You will found if you add page01.html at the back, the page can show up ( http://mypage123123123.net/page01.html )
1. 先把完成後的首頁改為 "index.htm"
First, please rename your homepage to "index.htm"
***** 以 "page01.html" 作例子,
***** "page01.html" as an example,
將 "page01.html" 改名為 "index.htm"
rename "page01.html" to "index.htm"
因為 cpanel 平台初設定的首頁為 "index.htm"
It is because the CPanel platform initial set the homepage "index.htm"
2. 用家只須把完成後的網頁上傳到 "public_html" 的文件夾內便可.
Then, your website needs to be uploaded to the file to "public_html".
3. 現在只須輸入 http://mypage123123123.net/ 網頁便可以發佈.
Now, all you need is to enter your domain (http://mypage123123123.net/).
Your website will be accessible.