如何設定Hotlink保護 Setup HotLink protection
你可以為你的網站設定Hotlink保護,讓瀏覽者不能直接透過圖片的URL連結進入閣下網站 。
You can setup HotLink Protection to avoid user entering your website from the URL link of the website image.
It can avoid other website adding your files (e.g. image files) through your domain URL link.
HotLink 保護能減低網站的傳輸流量,並避免網頁上的圖像被引用。
HotLink protection can reduce the bandwidth usage of your website. It can also prevent the image files in your hosting quote by other website.
1) 登入CPanel,擊Hotlink保護圖示 Login to CPanel. Click HotLink Protection.
2) 輸入您想保護的檔案類型 Enter the file type that you want to protect.
3) 如果您想瀏覽者能夠手動輸入需保護檔案的網址,可於框內打勾號。You can check this box if you want to allow people to browse some of your URL link.
4) 然後輸入重新定向的網址,讓任何人試圖連接您的檔案或圖片轉址到其他網址
Then, you can setup a URL for redirect request to this URL.
5) 點擊提交 Click submit
6) 如要停止此保護,點擊禁用 You can click "Disable" to stop the Hotlink protection.