在環速網存Hosting Speed購買的CPanel計劃均已安裝免費SSL証書。
All CPanel plans purchased from Hosting Speed have a free SSL certificate installed.
If you wish to install your own SSL Certificate, you must purchase a individual IP address to do so.
如你已購買SSL證書及獨立IP地址,你需要登入CPanel > SSL/TLS 產生一個CSR碼。
If you have purchased an SSL certificate and a individual IP address, you will need to log in to CPanel > SSL/TLS to generate a CSR.
在 憑證簽署要求 (CSR) 點撃 產生、檢視或刪除 SSL 憑證簽署要求。
Click Generate, view, or delete SSL certificate signing requests under CERTIFICATE SIGNING REQUESTS (CSR)
Fill in your information
完成後按 "產生"。
Click "Generate" when finished
之後你會見到你已新增的 SSL 憑證簽署要求,按 編輯 查看。
You will then see the SSL certificate signing request you have added, click Edit to view them.
將 已編碼憑證簽署要求 (CSR) 用作驗證SSL証書。
Use CSR to verify SSL certificate
請將SSL金鑰 (KEY)、憑證(CA bundle)等等 發送到 求助桌 Helpdesk,我們會為你安裝你的SSL。
You will receive a certificate after the SSL certificate verification is completed.
Please send your SSL key, CA bundle to Helpdesk and we will install your SSL for you.