如何取回cPanel 管理平台的密碼 請參考以下步驟
How to retrieve cPanel password? Please refer to the following steps :
步驟 1 登入本公司網站 http://hostingspeed.net/ 按[寄存管理]
1. Login our website http://hostingspeed.net/ --> click "Hosting Manage"
步驟 2 按[放大鏡]進入管理頁面
2. Click "magnifier" icon to enter management page.
步驟 3 重設密碼或重發寄存服務登入資訊
3. Click"Reset cPanel Password".
a) 如下圖所示按[按此重設寄存戶口 / cPanel / FTP登入密碼 Reset CPanel Password]
Please click "Reset CPanel Password" to reset a password.
The new password will be sent to your contact email.
b) 如下圖所示按[按此要求重發寄存服務登入資訊電子郵件 Resend Hosting Activation E-mail]
此選項不適用於:如你曾經自行更改CPanel 密碼,請勿按此按鈕。
You can also click "Resend Hosting Activation Email".
PS: This option does not applicable for you if you had modified your password before.
The original password will be sent to your contact email.