如何新增FTP用戶 How to create additional FTP accounts in cPanel
1) 點擊FTP帳戶圖示 Click the FTP Accounts icon
2) 新增FTP用戶,請輸入登入名稱如下 To create a new FTP account, enter a new login here...
3) 然後輸入及確認用戶密碼 Then. enter and confirm a password for the new account
4) 若該FTP用戶需可以設定進入整個網站,閣下可以消除斜線"/"後的內容
如果FTP用戶只需能夠進入 /demouser目錄,請於目錄空格內填寫/demouser。
To give the user access to the entire website folder, you would delete everything except the forward slash "/"
If you leave /demouser in the directory box, then the user of this FTP account will only have access to the /demouser directory, and all folders under it
You can put a quota limit on this FTP account if you wish
5) 當所有設定準備後,請點擊生成郵件列表。
When ready, click Create FTP Account
閣下的FTP帳戶已成功創建了. The new FTP account has been created
From here you can change the FTP account's password, change it's quota, or delete the account altogether