Hosting Speed 接受以下的付款方法 We accept below payment methods:
即時網上付款 Online payment (需要登入 Login is required)
1. 信用卡付款 Credit Card
Visa、Master Card、American Express、Discover 或 PayPal
2. Apple Pay
3. 轉數快 FPS
4. 繳費靈 PPS
5. 微信支付(香港) WeChat Pay HK
6. 支付寶香港 AlipayHK
7. PayMe by HSBC
8. 八達通 Octopus
銀行付款 Bank payment (需要提交交易證明 Transaction record must be submitted)
**In order to ensure proper receipt records, we mustreceive proof of transfer to complete the transaction.
1. 銀行 (銀行櫃位繳費 / 櫃員機轉帳 / 網上理財轉帳 / 入票易 / 存錢妥 )
Bank (Counter Service / ATM transfer / Internet Banking / Easy Cheque Deposit / Cash Deposit Machines)
匯豐銀行(HSBC)、中國銀行(香港) Bank of China (Hong Kong)、轉數快 FPS*
其他地區付款 (China/Overseas)
中國大陸地區 (支付宝 Alipay / 信用卡 Credit Card / 微信支付 WeChat Pay)
詳情請參考 For more information, please refer to: