設立步驟 :
You can manage your email, such as sending and receiving email with webmail.
1. 在您的瀏覽器網址列中輸入您 webmail網址:
Enter your Webmail URL in your browser :
http://yourdomain.com:2096 或 http://webmail.yourdomain.com
2. 使用者名稱 和 密碼 欄位輸入您的電郵帳號(整個電郵地址)和密碼,然後按登錄。
Enter your email address (Full email address) and password → Click " Log in "
例子: 使用者名稱: email@yourdomain.com 密碼: ********
For example, username: email@yourdomain.com Password: ********
3. 請選擇其中一個 Web Mail 介面「Horde」或「Round Cube」。
Please select one of the Webmail interface → "Horde" / "Round Cube"
(Due to roughly the same function on webmail, you can choose your favorite interface )
4. 完成步驟,即可使用Webmail 收發郵件。
Completed all the above steps, so you can send email from Webmail.