Outlook Express 錯誤碼大全
用家可以按"Ctrl + F"按鈕來手搜尋錯誤碼的資料
1. 防毒軟體異常,無法收信
2. 信箱超出容量限額,無法收信
3. 帳號或密碼設定錯誤,無法收信
2.伺服器錯誤: 0x800CCC90, 錯誤碼: 0x800CCC92
4.和伺服器通訊時發生逾時。錯誤碼: 0x800CCC19
1.找不到主機 "mail.yourdomain.com"。請檢查您輸入的伺服器名稱是否正確。
錯誤碼: 0x800CCC0D
2.連線到伺服器失敗。錯誤碼: 0x800CCC0E
或長時間閒置。錯誤碼: 0x800CCC0F
4. 如 netvigator 用戶, 請依 netvigator 的 SMTP 設定來進行修改.
*** 詳情請參閱 http://cs.netvigator.com -> 技術支援 -> Outlook Express 設定
-> 外寄郵件(SMTP)伺服器 - 使用非網上行域名
Outlook Express收信匣檔案異常,無法收發郵件
發生不明的錯誤。錯誤碼: 0x800C0131
1. 從[開始/搜尋/檔案或資料夾],尋找folders.dbx檔案。
4.重新執行Outlook Express。
6.重新執行Outlook Express。
無法使用 [安全密碼驗證] 登入伺服器
無法使用 [安全密碼驗證] 登入伺服器。錯誤碼: 0x800CCC18
請至Outlook Express之[工具>帳戶>郵件>內容>伺服器],取消「使用安全密碼驗證
1. 收件人地址錯誤,無法寄信
2. 寄件人地址錯誤,無法寄信
3. 寄件者郵件地址設定不完整,無法寄信
4. 寄信被拒可能原因電腦中毒
1.無法傳送郵件,因為有一位收件者被伺服器拒絕。錯誤碼: 0x800CCC79
2.無法傳送郵件,因為某位收件者被伺服器拒絕。錯誤碼: 0x800CCC79
3.無法傳送郵件,因為某位收件者被伺服器拒絕。錯誤碼: 0x800CCC79
2.請至Outlook Express之[工具>帳戶>郵件>內容>一般],輸入完整的電子郵件地址後再重寄。
Outlook Express 錯誤碼一覽表
一般性錯誤 |
0x800C0131 |
Folders.dbx 檔案屬性錯誤或損壞,收信正常,但要送信時卻出現「這個程式執行無效即將關閉」的畫面。
將 Folders.dbx 檔案刪除後,重新啟動 Outlook Express 即可回復正常,只是原本自己建立的資料夾目錄將會消失,原本歸檔到資料夾的信件會留存於「收件夾」中。 |
0x800CCC00 |
身份驗證(Authentication)未載入 |
0x800CCC01 |
認證(Certificate)內容錯誤 |
0x800CCC02 |
認證日期錯誤 |
0x800CCC03 |
使用者已連線 |
0x800CCC05 |
未連線到伺服器 |
0x800CCC0A |
郵件下載未完成 |
0x800CCC0B |
伺服器忙碌中 |
0x800CCC0D |
找不到主機,請檢查貴公司 SMTP 伺服器設定與 DNS 設定是否有誤。 |
0x800CCC0E |
連線到伺服器失敗,無法與主機建立連線。 |
0x800CCC0F |
伺服器結束連線,若對方伺服器負荷過重、網路傳輸壅塞易造成此現象,可建議使用者試著增加用戶端郵件收發軟體 (即 Outlook Express )「連線逾時」的等候時間。 |
0x800CCC10 |
伺服器無法辨認此郵件位址 |
0x800CCC11 |
伺服器無法辨認的群組名單 ( Mailing list) |
0x800CCC12 |
無法傳送 Windows Socket 的要求動作 |
0x800CCC13 |
無法接收 Windows Socket 回應動作 |
0x800CCC14 |
無法起始 Windows Socket |
0x800CCC15 |
無法開啟 Windows Socket |
0x800CCC17 |
使用者中斷操作 |
0x800CCC18 |
登入失敗,如不需要安全密碼認證登入,但卻設定需要安全密碼認證方能登入 |
0x800CCC19 |
作業逾時 |
0x800CCC1A |
無法以 SSL 建立連線,請依序進入Outlook Express「工具/帳戶/內容/進階/」確定在「伺服器連接埠號碼」項目中取消「內送伺服器」與「外送伺服器」的「這個伺服器需要安全連線- SSL」選項。 |
Winsock 錯誤 |
0x800CCC40 |
網路子系統( Network Subsystem) 無法使用 |
0x800CCC41 |
Windows Sockets 不支援此應用程式 |
0x800CCC43 |
無效的電子郵件地址 |
0x800CCC44 |
無法載入 Windows Sockets |
0x800CCC45 |
操作進行中(Operation now in progress),此異常狀況常因阻隔設定功能進行中呼叫 Windosw Socket 而導致。 |
SMTP 錯誤 |
0x800CCC60 |
不合法的回應 |
0x800CCC61 |
不明的錯誤代碼 |
0x800CCC62 |
退回錯誤語法 |
0x800CCC63 |
語法參數不正確 |
0x800CCC64 |
指令無法執行 |
0x800CCC65 |
不正確的指令序列 |
0x800CCC66 |
指令無法執行 |
0x800CCC67 |
無此指令 |
0x800CCC68 |
郵件信箱被鎖住或忙碌中 |
0x800CCC69 |
找不到郵件信箱 |
0x800CCC6A |
錯誤的處理要求 |
0x800CCC6B |
已找到使用者信箱,但該郵件信箱不在此伺服器上 |
0x800CCC6C |
已無郵件儲存空間 |
0x800CCC6D |
已超過限制的儲存容量上限 |
0x800CCC6E |
不合法的郵件信箱名稱,可能是寄件者電子郵件地址錯誤 ,如少了一個"@" |
0x800CCC6F |
Transaction failed,出現這訊息,可能是伺服器不接受你的郵件,請跟你的 ISP 聯絡。 |
0x800CCC78 |
不明的寄件者,或郵件回覆(reply-to)地址錯誤。 |
0x800CCC79 |
收件者被伺服器拒絕,最常發生於 Outlook Express 的 SMTP 設定不正確,請使用提供你連線服務的 ISP 公司之 SMTP 伺服器來寄信,亦可能是收件者欄位輸入錯誤字元所致。 |
0x800CCC7A |
沒有指定寄件者 |
0x800CCC7B |
沒有指定收件者 |
POP3 錯誤 |
0x800CCC90 |
用戶端無回應 |
0x800CCC91 |
使用者名稱錯誤或找不到該使用者 |
0x800CCC92 |
該帳號所屬密碼錯誤 |
0x800CCC93 |
無法解釋的回應 |
0x800CCC94 |
需要 STAT 指令 |
0x800CCC95 |
伺服器上已無郵件 |
0x800CCC96 |
沒有郵件標記為要下載 |
0x800CCC97 |
Message ID 超出範圍 |
NNTP 錯誤 |
0x800CCCA0 |
新聞伺服器回應錯誤,可能使用者沒有可使用該伺服器的權限。 |
0x800CCCA1 |
讀取新聞群組失敗 |
0x800CCCA2 |
要求伺服器郵件列出清單失敗 |
0x800CCCA3 |
無法顯示清單 |
0x800CCCA4 |
無法開啟群組 |
0x800CCCA5 |
伺服器無此群組 |
0x800CCCA6 |
郵件不在伺服器上 |
0x800CCCA7 |
找不到郵件的網際網路標題 (Header) |
0x800CCCA8 |
找不到郵件本文 |
0x800CCCA9 |
無法發佈到伺服器上 |
0x800CCCAA |
無法開啟下封郵件 |
0x800CCCAB |
無法顯示日期 |
0x800CCCAC |
無法顯示標題 |
0x800CCCAD |
無法顯示 MIME 標題 |
0x800CCCAE |
使用者名稱或密碼不正確 |
RAS 錯誤 |
0x800CCCC2 |
未安裝 RAS 或是DUN (Windows Dial-up Networking) |
0x800CCCC3 |
找不到 RAS 或 DUN 等撥號網路服務 |
0x800CCCC4 |
RAS 或 DUN 撥號網路錯誤 |
0x800CCCC5 |
Connectoid 損壞或遺失( Connectoid 為 Windows 95 或 98 下所使用的撥接連線檔) |
0x800CCCC6 |
取得撥號設定時錯誤 |
IMAP 錯誤 |
0x800CCCD1 |
登入失敗 |
0x800CCCD2 |
電子郵件壅塞 (Message Tagged) |
0x800CCCD3 |
要求無回應 |
0x800CCCD4 |
語法錯誤 |
0x800CCCD5 |
不是 IMAP 伺服器 |
0x800CCCD6 |
緩衝儲存區已超過上限 |
0x800CCCD7 |
回復錯誤 |
0x800CCCD8 |
資料不完整 |
0x800CCCD9 |
連線被拒 |
0x800CCCDA |
不明的回應 |
0x800CCCDB |
User ID 已更改 |
0x800CCCDC |
User ID 指令失敗 |
0x800CCCDD |
無預期的中斷連線 |
0x800CCCDE |
無效的伺服器狀態 |
0x800CCCDF |
使用者無法取得認證 |
0x800CCCE0 |
無其他認證方式 |
HTTP 錯誤 |
0x800CCC31 |
錯誤的要求指令或指令形式錯誤 |
微軟知識庫文件 編 208814 / 編號 195458
Outlook Express Error Codes
Users can use "Ctrl + F" button to search the detail of error codes.
Error Codes
1. Antivirus software happened unusual -> Can not receive e-mail
2. Mailbox has exceeded the storage limit -> Can not receive e-mail
3. Account (username) or password settings are wrong -> Can not receive e-mail
[How to occur the above error codes ]
1. When your mail server occurs login error, your password is rejected.
2. Server error: 0x800CCC90, error code: 0x800CCC92
3. The connection to the server failed
4. A time-out occurred while communicating with the server, error code: 0x800CCC19
*Note that the user account and password are case sensitive
Turn off the function of mail scanning in the antivirus software.
Error Codes
If the settings of outgoing mail server are wrong, users can't send the e-mail.
Please set outgoing server to "mail.yourdomain.com"
[How to occur the above error codes]
1. Host not found "mail.yourdomain.com" -> Please verify that the server name your entered is correct. error code: 0x800CCC0D
2.The connection to the server failed. error code: 0x800CCC0E
3. Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection -> Possible reason is server problems, network problems, an extended period of time and Idling for long periods.
Error code: 0x800CCC0F
4. If you are netvigator users, please follow the settings of netvigator SMTP.
*** Detail: http://cs.netvigator.com -> Technical Support -> Email settings -> Windows -> Outgoing Mail Server - use non-netvigator domain name
Error Code
Outlook Express inbox files happened unusual so it couldn't receive and send emails.
[How to occur the above error codes]
An unknown error occurred. Error code: 0x800C0131
1. Find the file Folders.dbx through the search tool of Windows (Start / Search / Files or Folders).
2. Right-click to select the content in the folders.dbx
3. Remove the read-only option for folders.dbx files.
4. Reload Outlook Express
5. If the problem persists, move folders.dbx to another folders before backup it
6. Reload Outlook Express
7. If inbox emails are missing, you had better import the backup of folders.dbx emails
Error Code
Can not use Secure Password Authentication to sign in the server.
[How to occur the above error codes]
Can not use Secure Password Authentication to sign in the server. Error code: 0x800CCC18
Please open Outlook Express -> Tools -> Accounts -> Properties -> Server -> cancel Secure Password Authentication
Error Code
1. Invalid recipient address -> Can not send e-mail
2. Invalid sender address -> Can not send e-mail
3. Sender address setting is incomplete -> Can not send e-mail
4. The probable cause of sending e-mail is rejected by computer poisoning
[How to occur the above error codes]
1. Unable to send mail -> Because there is a recipient who is rejected by the server, Error code: 0x800CCC79
2. Unable to send mail ->Because one of the recipients was rejected by the server, Error code: 0x800CCC79
3. Unable to send mail -> Because one of the recipients was rejected by the server. Error code: 0x800CCC79
1. After your computer was poisoning, the server would blacklist your computer, and it would refuse to help you.
Please check your recipient address, and resend an email after modify it.
2. Please open Outlook Express -> Tools -> Accounts -> Properties -> General
-> Resend an email after enter the full email address
Outlook Express Error Codes
General errors |
0x800C0131 |
The Folders.dbx file attributes are incorrect or corrupted, which received mail normally. However, when it sent emails, it displayed "The running program is invalid of closed soon ". Folders.dbx manages the files of directory folder for Outlook Express. Find the file Folders.dbx through the search tool of Windows (Start / Search / Files or Folders). Then verify that the setting is Near-Line hard disk drive -> Click Search immediately -> find Folders.dbx After delete Folders.dbx, restart Outlook Express that can return to normal. Although the original folder emails will be retained in the inbox, the original set of their folder directory will be disappeared.
0x800CCC00 |
Authentication did not load |
0x800CCC01 |
Invalid certificate content |
0x800CCC02 |
Invalid certificate date |
0x800CCC03 |
User already connected |
0x800CCC05 |
Not connected to server |
0x800CCC0A |
Message download incomplete |
0x800CCC0B |
Server or maildrop is busy |
0x800CCC0D |
Cannot locate server. Please check your company's SMTP server settings and DNS settings. |
0x800CCC0E |
Cannot connect to the server and host. If your company has Email Protection enabled, antivirus may affect the email service. It is recommended that users closed the Email Protection, then check whether emails function is normal or not. |
0x800CCC0F |
Server connection closed. As a result of the Internet being disconnected, Outlook Express is unable to connect to the user’s email server. The user can fix this by ensuring that all of the cables and/or wireless devices are connected and enabled, or by contacting the Internet Service Provider if necessary |
0x800CCC10 |
Address not known on server |
0x800CCC11 |
Mailing list not known on server |
0x800CCC12 |
Unable to send Windows Socket request. |
0x800CCC13 |
Unable to read Windows Socket reply |
0x800CCC14 |
Unable to initialize Windows Socket |
0x800CCC15 |
Can not open Windows Socket Error Codes: 0x800CCC12 to 0x800CCC15 Maybe your computer appeared confusion or error on Winsoks so we suggested to reset the client network environment.
0x800CCC17 |
User canceled operation |
0x800CCC18 |
Logon attempt failed. If you don't need Password Safe to be login method, please make sure you don't tick the ‘Require logon using secure password authentication (SPA)’ |
0x800CCC19 |
A time-out occurred while communicating with the server |
0x800CCC1A |
Unable to connect using SSL. Please go to Outlook Express Tools -> Accounts -> Properties -> Advanced -> uncheck the boxes next to this server requires a secure connection (SSL) for both Outgoing Mail (SMTP) and Incoming Mail (POP3) -> click OK
Winsock error |
0x800CCC40 |
Network subsystem is unusable |
0x800CCC41 |
Windows Sockets cannot support this application |
0x800CCC43 |
Bad address |
0x800CCC44 |
Unable to load Windows Sockets |
0x800CCC45 |
Operation now in progress. This error appears if a Windows Sockets API is called while a blocking function is in progress |
SMTP error
0x800CCC60 |
Invalid response |
0x800CCC61 |
Unknown error code |
0x800CCC62 |
Syntax error returned |
0x800CCC63 |
Parameter syntax incorrect |
0x800CCC64 |
Command not implemented |
0x800CCC65 |
Improper command sequence |
0x800CCC66 |
Command not implemented |
0x800CCC67 |
Command not available |
0x800CCC68 |
Mailbox is locked and busy |
0x800CCC69 |
Mailbox not found |
0x800CCC6A |
Error processing request |
0x800CCC6B |
User mailbox is known but mailbox not on this server |
0x800CCC6C |
No space to store messages |
0x800CCC6D |
Storage limit exceeded |
0x800CCC6E |
Invalid mailbox name syntax. Maybe sender address is wrong, such as missing "@" |
0x800CCC6F |
Display "Transaction failed" message -> maybe the server rejects your emails so please contact with your ISP |
0x800CCC78 |
Unknown sender. This is caused by having the incorrect e-mail address in the Reply-To field. |
0x800CCC79 |
Server rejected recipients -> It most often occur in incorrect Outlook Express SMTP settings. Please use your ISP company SMTP server to send emails. Moreover, this problem may be incorrect entry in the recipient field.
0x800CCC7A |
No sender address specified |
0x800CCC7B |
No recipients specified |
POP3 error |
0x800CCC90 |
Client response invalid |
0x800CCC91 |
Invalid user name or user not found |
0x800CCC92 |
Password not valid for account
0x800CCC93 |
Unable to interpret response |
0x800CCC94 |
STAT Command required |
0x800CCC95 |
No messages on server |
0x800CCC96 |
No messages marked for retrieval |
0x800CCC97 |
Message ID out of range |
NNTP error |
0x800CCCA0 |
News server response error (Maybe users haven't this server permission) |
0x800CCCA1 |
Newsgroup access failed |
0x800CCCA2 |
LIST command to server failed |
0x800CCCA3 |
Unable to display list |
0x800CCCA4 |
Unable to open group |
0x800CCCA5 |
Group not on server |
0x800CCCA6 |
Message not on server |
0x800CCCA7 |
Message header not found |
0x800CCCA8 |
Message body not found |
0x800CCCA9 |
Unable to post to server |
0x800CCCAA |
Unable to post to server |
0x800CCCAB |
Unable to display date |
0x800CCCAC |
Unable to display headers |
0x800CCCAD |
Unable to display MIME headers |
0x800CCCAE |
Invalid user or password |
RAS error |
0x800CCCC2 |
RAS/DUN (Windows Dial-up Networking) not installed |
0x800CCCC3 |
RAS/DUN process not found |
0x800CCCC4 |
RAS/DUN error returned |
0x800CCCC5 |
Connectoid damaged or missing ( Connectoid is a dial-up connection profile using Windows 95 or Windows 98 ) |
0x800CCCC6 |
Error getting dial settings |
IMAP error |
0x800CCCD1 |
Login failed |
0x800CCCD2 |
Message tagged |
0x800CCCD3 |
Invalid response to request |
0x800CCCD4 |
Syntax error |
0x800CCCD5 |
Not an IMAP server |
0x800CCCD6 |
Buffer limit exceeded |
0x800CCCD7 |
Recovery error |
0x800CCCD8 |
Incomplete data |
0x800CCCD9 |
Connection not allowed |
0x800CCCDA |
Unknown response |
0x800CCCDB |
User ID has changed |
0x800CCCDC |
User ID command failed |
0x800CCCDD |
Unexpected disconnect |
0x800CCCDE |
Invalid server state |
0x800CCCDF |
Unable to authorize client |
0x800CCCE0 |
No more authorization types |
HTTP error |
0x800CCC31 |
Bad Request Configuration Bad or malformed request |