如欲在本公司註冊新域名 可參考以下步驟
Please refer to below steps:
步驟 1 到本公司的註冊域名頁面
Step 1 Visit our website
1. 輸入閣下希望申請的域名。
Enter the domain you want to purchase.
2. 選擇需要的尾碼(.com/.hk/etc..) 。
Select a TLD (.com/.hk/et.c.) for your domain.
3. 最後按[檢查]。
Click "Check".
步驟 2 系統會檢查申請的新域名是否適用
Step 2 Our system will check if your domain is available.
- 如狀況不適用 請閣下選擇其他域名。 If the domain is invalid, please apply for another domain.
- 如域名沒有問題 請按[更新選擇/繼續]。 If the domain is valid, please click "Continue".
步驟 3 系統會在購物車列出閣下所有選購的服務和相關價錢
STEP 3 Our system will list out your selections in the shopping cart.
1. 這裡可以選擇註冊的域名的年期
You can update the number of domain year.
2. 按[更新購物車] 系統會更新相關價錢。
Click Update Cart.
3. 確認沒有錯誤就可按[繼續付款]。
Click "Continue" after confirm.
步驟 4 選擇域名註冊資料檔 及 閣下的付款方案
STEP 4 Choose your domain profile and payment method
1. 選擇閣下的域名註冊資料檔, 新客戶需要建立新"域名註冊資料檔"
Choose your domain profile. If you are new to Hosting Speed, please create a new profile.
2. 選擇閣下的付款方式[即時網上付款]。
Choose your payment methods "Online payment".
*這裡以即時網上付款作為示範 Below is the demonstration of select "Online payment".
3. 接受條款及按[提交]。
Accept our terms and click "Submit".
步驟 4.1. 開設新域名註冊資料檔
STEP 4.1. Create a new domain profile
- 新客戶或其他客戶選擇"Create a new domain profile", 將會到以下頁面填寫域名註冊資料檔
If you Choose "Create a new domain profile", you will see a form below.
- 該域名註冊資料將以註冊域名為用
The domain profile will be used for register a domain.
- 填寫完成後, 按"提交"
After you have done, click "Submit".
步驟 5A 即時網上付款
Step 5A Online payment
最後會出現以下畫面 The next page will show different payment methods
這裡以 Paypal作為示範 Below is the demonstration of select "Paypal".
請按[繼續付款程序]轉移到Paypal網站付款。 Please click "Continue" to complete the payment process.
步驟 5B 離線付款
Step 5B Offline payment
最後會出現以下畫面 The next page will shows the invoice ID and amount.
- 詳細付款方法可參考 Please refer to our payment methods to settle your payment.
*請於付款完成後將銀行收據及帳單號碼提交到 payment@hostingspeed.net ,辦理手續需時2-3工作天。
*.hk/.com.hk/.org.hk/.edu.hk 請提交相關文件方可註冊。域名將在註冊完成後開通。
*Please email your bank transaction record and invoice ID to payment@hostingspeed.net.
*The payment process will takes up to 2-3 business days to complete.
*For .hk/.com.hk/.org.hk/.edu.hk domain, please send us your registration document by email (doc@hostingspeed.net)
Please settle your payment and email your payment record to us at least 1 week before your service been expired.
Please login and submit Helpdesk ticket if you have any questions.