根據保險業公司條例第41章56A條,包含上述字眼(如 'insurance','assurance','保險'或相關字眼)之域名一般不會接受公開註冊。
- 出示保險業監督發出的牌照以證明申請人從事保險代表或保險經紀行業
- 香港域名註冊有限公司於申請期限內收到保險業監督發出的書面確認,同意有關申請
有關詳情,請參閱 https://www.elegislation.gov.hk/hk/cap41?xpid=ID_1438403167203_002
If a Customer applies for the registration of a Domain Name which contains in it the word "insurance" or "assurance" or which falls within any of the restrictions under section 56(A) of Chapter 41 of the Insurance Companies Ordinance, the Customer is required, as a condition for us to process the application, to provide us with a written consent issued by the Insurance Authority with respect to the Customer's use of such Domain Name.
HKDNR reserves the right to refuse or to cancel the registration of such Domain Name if the Customer fails to comply with the foregoing provision.