註冊「 .com.hk 」或「.公司.香港」需要提供的文件:
- 由香港稅務局發出之商業登記證副本。團體名稱必須是總公司,而不是分公司,或
- 由香港公司註冊處發出之海外商業登記證副本, 或
- 由香港公司註冊處發出之非香港公司註冊證明書副本, 或
- 用以申請 .org.hk, .edu.hk, .net.hk 或 .gov.hk 的所需文件連同一封信件列明選用 .com.hk/.公司.香港而不選用所屬合資格的域名類別的原因。
(1) 注明你的域名名稱
(2) 電郵至doc@hostingspeed.net
Eligibility & Required Documents for .com.hk
- A copy of the Business Registration Certificate (BR) issued by the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) of HKSARG not registered as a Branch, i.e. name of the organisation shall be that of the head office, not a branch office, or
- A copy of the Certificate of Registration of Overseas Company issued by the Company Registry (CR) of HKSARG, or
- A copy of the Certificate of Registration of Non-Hong Kong Company issued by the Company Registry (CR) of HKSARG, or
- Other documentary proof required for the application of .org.hk, .edu.hk, .net.hk or .gov.hk with a letter stating the reason of selecting .com.hk.
Please send your document and indicating your domain name to doc@hostingspeed.net
請注意 Reminder:
凡註冊「 .com.hk 」或「.公司.香港」之域名,必須提供有效的香港商業登記證副本作註冊之用,歡迎參考以下範本。
When registering ".com.hk" or ".公司.香港" domain, a copy of a valid Hong Kong Business Registration Certificate must be provided for registration. Please refer to the following template.
Valid Hong Kong Business Registration Certificate must show payment code at the bottom
If the payment code is not displayed on the Hong Kong Business Registration Certificate, please contact the Inland Revenue Department for details: