關於中文域名 Punycode
1. 暫時有 IE 7.0 (或以上), FireFox 1.5 (或以上) 瀏灠器直接支援中文域名應用
2. 較舊的瀏覽器必須要安裝 i-Nav plugin 才可以觀看到中文域名網站
詳細信息: https://www.hkdnr.hk/iNav_turnkey.jsp?lang=zho
3. 由於互聯網上尚未有一個中文域名電郵地址格式的標準, 中文域名是不支援電子郵件的.
4. 若閣下使用 FTP 時, 由於 FTP 程式大多不支援 中文域名至Puny Code 轉換, 你可以直接透過用 Puny Code, 或 IP 去連接至 FTP 伺服器上.
關於中文域名 About Chinese domain name (Punycode)
Punycode is a representation of Unicode with the limited ASCII character subset used for Internet hostnames. Using Punycode, host names containing Unicode characters are transcoded to a subset of ASCII consisting of letters, digits, and hyphens, which is called the Letter-Digit-Hyphen (LDH) subset
Chinese Domain Name should contains at least one or more Chinese characters, may contain one or more uppercase or lowercase English letters, numbers or hyphens. Hyphens cannot exist at the beginning and end of the domain and not in the third and fourth character positions. The domain shall not be more than 15 Chinese characters, letters or numbers in total length excluding the .hk extension.
If the internet browser you are using cannot support International Domain Name (usually Netscape, Fire Fox, Opera, Mozilla, Internet Explorer 7 etc. support International Domain Name), you have to install plug-in software in order to visit website of Chinese Domain Name.
You can download a free plug-in installer, iNav from VeriSign Inc., to view your chinese domain. After online registration, you can set up your name server.