1. 開啟 Outlook 後,請按File,如圖:
Open Outlook, Click "File".
2. 之後請按"Add account"。
Click "Add account".
3. 之後會彈出一個視窗,請輸入你的電郵。再按"Advanced options" > 選擇"Let me set up my account manually"。按"Connect"。
In the pop-up window, please enter your email address.
Open "Advanced options" > Choose "Let me set up my account manually".Then click "Connect".
4. 如選擇IMAP,請輸入以下資料,之後按"Next"。
If you choose IMAP setting, please enter below data, then click next:
Incoming mail
Server: mail.yourdomain.com (請改做你的域名 Change it to your domain e.g: mail.abc.com.hk )
Port: 143 (non-SSL) [For SSL, please use 993]
Outgoing mail
Server: mail.yourdomain.com (請改做你的域名 Change it to your domain e.g: mail.abc.com.hk )
Port: 25 or 1025 (non-SSL) [For SSL, please use 465]
If you choose POP setting, please enter below data, then click next:
Incoming mail
Server: mail.yourdomain.com (請改做你的域名 Change it to your domain e.g: mail.abc.com.hk )
Port: 110 (non-SSL) [For SSL, please use 995]
Outgoing mail
Server: mail.yourdomain.com (請改做你的域名 Change it to your domain e.g: mail.abc.com.hk )
Port: 25 or 1025 (non-SSL) [For SSL, please use 465]
5. 輸入你的電郵密碼>"Connect"。
Enter your email password. Then click "Connect".